Literacy for Life

Our Literacy for Life program helps adults learn to read. It is designed for nonreaders and beginning readers. Most participants in the program have learning goals tied to improving the quality of their lives rather than specific career goals. Our structured approach focuses on phonics, phonemic awareness, and using multi-sensory tools during learning. Participants work one-on-one or in a small group with certified teachers and highly trained volunteers.

It is never too late to improve an individual's literacy level. Trident Literacy works with adults of all ages at any reading level to set achievable goals and provide instruction from our talented team of educators and volunteers.

Interested volunteers with experience in education, special education, or therapy are encouraged to contact us through our volunteer portal. You're a vital part of the success of the program.

Literacy for Life is one of our most expensive but underfunded programs. We encourage you to consider a gift to support this vital program for our community's most vulnerable citizens.


August 2, 2024

When: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Friday Mornings

Where: 6185 D Rivers Ave North Charleston, SC 29406 (located in the same shopping center as At Home)

Who: Adults who speak English and have little to no reading and writing skills

$75 fee is waived if you are a SNAP recipient. Scholarships are available.